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Login Issue

If you are not able to login to the system:

You may be entering in the wrong email address/login or password.

If you forgot your password, please use the Forgot Password link to Reset it. You will need to know the email address and cell phone number associated with the account. 

If you enter a different phone number, the system will email you the one on file.  If the email sends a blank phone number, we will need you to have the studio update the cell phone information or you may send us your cell phone number to be updated. Then you can use the forgot password option.

Once you enter the cell phone and email address, you will receive a verification by email and possible text message. You must enter this code on the next screen. Once entered you will be prompted to create a new password and enter it twice. 

Then you should be able to login.

If you still have difficulties, please contact the school or CompuDance.

  • 1
  • 09-Feb-2017